Imagine returning from a long day at work to find your children have already eaten a nutritious dinner, homework has been done, and lunchboxes and school bags are packed ready for the following day.

What’s more, the laundry has also been taken care of, and your house looks clean and inviting. With all the pressing chores done and dusted, you’re able to simply spend your evening enjoying quality time with your children and partner.

Sounds like a dream, right? A great after care nanny can make this dream your reality.

What is an After Care Nanny?

After care nannies (sometimes referred to as after school nannies) take care of a child or children after school. They often work in the period between the end of the school day and parents returning from work, but may stay longer depending on a family’s unique needs.1 After care nannies offer a flexible service, and can help with everything from traditional childcare through to transportation, housework, and errands.

5 Things an After Care Nanny can Help With

1.    Assisting With Homework

Consolidating in-school learning, homework is a vital piece of a child’s education. Having designated time, space, and support to complete it can be helpful. Experienced nannies are well versed in assisting children with homework tasks, and can provide undivided attention, encouragement, and tailored support with these activities.

2.    Laundry and Housekeeping

After care nannies offer a flexible type of childcare, and will adapt to the specific needs of a family. With a nanny to take care of household chores like laundry and cleaning, parents can return to a sparkling sanctuary after a long day of work. This holistic approach can leave parents feeling more relaxed, organized, and able to enjoy the evenings as a family.

3.    Organization and Preparation

For most families, a significant portion of the evening is taken up preparing for the next day. This might be especially true in families with multiple children or lots of evening commitments. An after care nanny will be happy to help with things like making lunchboxes, preparing outfits for the following morning, and packing school bags with the right equipment and books. After care nannies might also help with general meal prep, so the whole family has nutritious meals available to eat throughout the week.

4.    Providing Transportation

Need someone to collect your child from school? An after care nanny can help with this. They can also drive your children to and from after school clubs, playdates, sports, or other activities that benefit their social and academic development.

5.    Taking the Pressure off Parents

Juggling childcare and work commitments is one of the most common challenges faced by professional parents. Hiring a regular after care nanny can grant you the peace of mind that if you need to stay late at the office or attend an important meeting, your child or children will be well cared for until you get home.

What are the Benefits of Hiring an After Care Nanny?

Having a regular after care nanny can help children get into a positive after school routine incorporating homework, recreational activities, and plenty of fun and socialization! Taking care of everything from school prep to housework and errands, an after care nanny can also grant professional parents more free time. Ultimately, this means parents can enjoy true quality time with their children in the evenings, catching up on the day’s activities, reading, playing games, or enjoying a hearty meal together.1

Find Nanny Care in Milburn With Oliver’s Nannies

Oliver’s Nannies provides exceptional nanny care in Milburn, NJ. Offering a unique combination of scheduled nanny care, sitter services, and 24/7 flexible options with FlexCare, our service is the ideal choice for professional parents.

Your child’s health, happiness, and safety are our priorities. Each of our nannies is thoroughly vetted before being hired by us. This involves multi-stage interviews, detailed background checks, physicals, and vaccination checks. With this standardized process, you can rest assured that every nanny we provide is competent and experienced. Arrange a call today (973) 671-1277 to find out how Oliver’s Nannies can match your family with an after care nanny who truly understands your needs, daily routines, and family dynamics.

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