Let’s face it: Social distancing, a measure put in place to stop the spread of the coronavirus, has made celebrating major holidays with friends and families hard. Fortunately, even if you can’t host your mom for brunch this Mother’s Day because of the quarantine, you can still virtually commemorate the occasion. “Honoring our mothers shouldn’t be missed because of what’s on going in the world,” says party consultant Mindy Weiss. “Now is a great time to make new traditions. That extra effort and creativity will really resonate and be appreciated, especially during this time.”

Along with allowing you to celebrate Mother’s Day from a safe and healthy distance, a virtual bash has other upsides, too. “Mothers work so hard all year round with making sure their homes are perfectly clean and often are responsible for doing the same on Mother’s Day when guests come to their homes to celebrate together,” says Elle Anderson of Elle A Events. “Moms deserve a day where they can stop worrying about cleaning, they don’t have to set the table to make sure the place settings are perfect, and can sit back and relax in their pajamas.”

Hoping to throw an online celebration for your mom this Mother’s Day but not sure where to start? We asked a few of our party planner friends for advice on how to pull it off, and here’s what they had to say.

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